GNU PIC で 配置図

GNU PIC で配置図 を書く。

GNU PIC で配置図

.ps 14 # font size
scale = 2.54; # inch -> cm

define deployment {[
    box $1 width $2;
    line from last box.nw to last box.nw + (0.15, 0.15);
    line from last to last + (0.15, 0.15);
    line from last to last + (0.15, 0.15);
    line from 3rd last line.end to 2nd last line.end;
    line from 2nd last line.end to last line.end;

Server: deployment("server", 3);
Storage: deployment("storage", 3) at Server + (-2, -3);
Client: deployment("client", 3) at Server + (2, -3);

line from 1/2 <Server.sw, Server.s> to Storage.n;
line "TCP/IP" ljust from 1/2 <, Server.s> to Client.n;