GNU PIC で パッケージ図

GNU PIC でパッケージ図 を書く。

GNU PIC でパッケージ図

.ps 14 # font size
scale = 2.54; # inch -> cm

define package {[
    box ht 0.2 wid $3 / 3;
    box $1 ht $2 wid $3 with .nw at last box.sw;

Package1: package("Control", 1, 3);

move to 1/2 <Package1.s, Package1.sw>;
arrow dashed 0.1 down left;
Package2: package("Domain", 1, 3) with .n at last arrow.end;

move to 1/2 <Package1.s,>;
arrow dashed 0.1 down right;
Package3: package("GUI", 1, 3) with .n at last arrow.end;